We are collecting plastic bags and wraps to recycle into a bench! Dave Fish introduced this new project to our children in his children’s message on February 2. We have joined with St. Andrews UMC in Cherry Hill to help them collect 1,000 pounds of plastic bags and wrap items for recycling. This project is…

We need your support! Hi, St. Paul’s Family! We will be providing gift cards and food pantry groceries for FOUR Family Promise families – two families of three, a family of five, and a family of six. We will be doing the same thing we did last time, and are providing gift cards and groceries rather than…

Please donate used clothes and house- hold items to the Sunday school through Sun, Feb 16! Collections will be every Sunday, drop off before 12 p.m. We are working with Bargain Thrift Center in Philadelphia. Pickup will be on the 20th. When donating the materials below please make sure they are in closed trash bags…

Thanks to all of you and your support, we made over $1,000 profit on our stromboli sale! The Community Relations Team thanks you! Our CRT team sold SUPER BOWL STROMBOLI from Liscio’s! To make your SuperBowl party a big hit, we partnered with Liscio’s to sell their stromboli, which was picked up after church on…

The Women’s Bible Study meets on Weds, 10-11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Our book is “Traveling Light” by Max Lucado. The cost of the book is $15.00 and it can be ordered from Amazon. It’s not too late to join us! Come any week! Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

His Name Is Shiloh “Those who exploit the powerless anger their Maker, while those who are kind to the poor honor God.” Proverbs 14:31 Our church family has again demonstrated what a loving and caring church we are. When I shared the story of Todd, Crystal, and Shiloh, the immediate response was “how can we…

Donors are desperately needed at our upcoming Blood Drive: Friday, February 28, 12 – 5pm The Red Cross’s supply of blood is fragile and in constant need of replacement. Please help by making an appointment to come to St. Paul’s. Sign up online at redcrossblood.org or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. Sponsor code is: St Pauls Thorofare. If you…

A Communion Service to welcome the New Year was held on New Year’s Day at noon. We were happy to welcome about 25 members to share communion and pray for a good year. There is nothing like worshiping together to start the new year. It was a service of prayer, song, and reflection as well…

“We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 75:1 Dear friends, SRO I think the first time I heard a reference to SRO it was the name of an album performed by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. I wonder how many of you…

The Outreach Team wishes everyone a very happy New Year as we continue our mission work! Offerings and Projects January Our first Sun. offering (Jan. 5) will benefit Human Relations Sunday. On the third Sunday (Jan. 19) the offering is for Blanket Sunday. Church World Service began in 1946 when 17 denominations came together to…

Our next Soup Sale is Sunday, March 2. We’re skipping February because of the Stromboli sale. Fabulous flavor of soup for March is TBA! Link to order below. St Paul’s is selling soup as a fundraiser on the first Sunday of every month. All soups are prepared by the award-winning Piston Diner. Sold by the…

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah 9:2 On Christmas Eve we celebrated the birth of Christ twice, at 5 and 7 p.m. We welcomed the baby Jesus into the world with music,…

Our SS Christmas Pageant took place on December 22, and the kids did a fantastic job with their program! Many thanks to all of our SS kids, teachers, and helpers for their presentation of the nativity. We love our kids! Immediately following was the children’s Christmas Party. The kids enjoyed their special visitor from the…

Sing to the Lord a new song because he has done wonderful things! … Psalm 98:1 We had a wonderful time at our annual Christmas Carol Sing last night! What a wonderful way to start out the Christmas season. 94 people came! The church was filled with music, laughter, and ice cream! We even had…

Our annual Angel Wreath was hung in the Sanctuary on November 24. All the angels were taken, even though we only had a week to help a needy family from our area. We provided a complete Christmas, including clothing and toys plus gift cards for food, for one family with two boys, ages 5 and…

The Guiding Lights thank you for your purchases of Poinsettias to decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas. Money must be in by December 8. Give to the Lord the glory due his name! Bring gifts! Enter his courtyards! Psalm 96:8 Poinsettias will decorate the sanctuary on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of Jesus. They may…