SIGHT AND SOUND TRIP in December was a huge success. We filled the bus and had a great time. The production “Jesus” was incredible!
PHILLIES GAME in July was a fun time with hotdogs and baseball. About 35 people attended.
POTLLUCK SUPPERS in February, June, September and November celebrated our Family Promise guests and entertained them with CANDY BAR BINGO. And yes, Pastor Dave won a candy bar. The Community Relations Team (CRT) hopes to continue Potluck Suppers four times a year to coincide with our Family Promise weeks. Watch for our next one!
CLEAN COMMUNITIES: A group of members gathered on a Saturday and picked up rubbish alongside a couple roads near the church. This event was sponsored by the Community Relations Team, and we received a $500 grant from the county for our good citizenship. Thanks to all that helped!!
TWO CHICKEN BARBECUES were sponsored by the CRT and raised almost $3,000 for our church ministries. Our next one is in May. Join our team!
The Community Relations Team was very active under our 2019 leader, Jake Eichel.
The group has sponsored some terrific events for both our members and the general public. The purpose of the team is to bring us out into the community, and hopefully to raise some money while doing that.
So here are our events, and the leaders of each event for your questions and comments. Mark your calendars!!
- Pretzel Sales will continue on the third Sunday of each month. (Norm Branyan & Mary Ann Jones)
- Potluck Supper & Candy Bar Bingo, quarterly to coincide with Family Promise, 2019 dates: March 1, June 21, September 20, November 15 (Carol Strock, Gary Rutter)
- Pancake Breakfasts: Twice a year, Palm Sunday & in November (Jennie & Don Troxell)
- Chicken BBQs: Twice a year, coming in May and probably October (Sharon Rutter & Denise Hosier)
- Phillies Game: Watch for a 2019 date (Pastor Dave)
- Clean Communities: Do we want to do this again? (Jennie Troxell)
- Boscov Day in October–Purchase your shopping pass! (Jake Eichel & Pastor Dave)
- Trips: How about the Holy Land in 2020?
Welcome to our new leader, Jill Galka! See her or any of our event leaders to volunteer. If you’re interested in having fun while bringing the church into the community, join us!