By now almost every member of our St. Paul’s church family has watched a worship service or a communion service, my daily devotional PD@930, or even our “One-Room Sunday School Classroom” on their computer, smartphone or television set. St. Paul’s is broadcasting live literally seven days a week!
It is so important for everyone to understand, we are streaming all these essential services of faith with a tablet and a cell phone. We have not invested in the technology that would create the best possible images and sounds for all of you. In spite of that I think we are doing a really great job! However, things have gone wrong and can go wrong. One week we cut off Rich’s head and mine. No one will ever forget when the entire streaming shut down as Dave Fish stood up to give his children’s message.
I want to give credit to Gary Rutter who has played around with our wi-fi feed to make sure that we have a better connection to the Internet each week. In addition, you may have noticed that thanks to Gary you are seeing the lyrics and prayers plus getting images of everyone involved.
Thankfully, we started streaming our worship services more than a year ago. We were ahead of so many churches and there were some who asked, “why are you bothering?” We were streaming to make sure those who were home sick could still be at church, as well as those on vacation. As many of you know, our streaming of Bible Study has allowed Gail from North Carolina’s Outer Banks to be a part of our Wednesday evening Bible study for years.
The streaming of worship, devotions, Bible Study, Sunday School, and special services like our Wednesday morning Holy Communion will continue into the future. We are reaching people around the world through our technology.
And yes, we have a plan to make it even better. Gary has been in contact with the Conference’s tech people and we are ready to invest in the technology that will allow us to share the message of Jesus Christ with even greater clarity!
In the meantime, never forget that you can take St. Paul’s wherever you go! You can watch old services, join a Bible study, and even learn how to cook some new recipes, all thanks to our use of simple technology.
Tune in to see what’s next!
Pastor Dave