Reservations required! To reserve, text or email Pastor Dave at 609-703-4201 or you can reserve online by clicking here.
Dear Friends,
Most of us know the old classic hymn that asks “Shall we gather at the river?” And, some of you have been asking whether we will gather at the river this summer and the answer is a resounding NO because we cannot control a safe zone for worship in that beautiful location. St. Paul’s ‘Reopening Leadership Team,’ which includes me, are concerned with your health and the health of the families and friends of anyone who might choose to worship with us. The Red Bank Battlefield Park does not allow us to plan safely.
That’s perhaps the “bad” news but the good news is that tonight our church’s LEADERSHIP TEAM has approved the PHASE 1 proposal submitted by our ‘Reopening Team’ that will allow us to begin the process of worshiping together in person again.
It is vital that each member and friend of St. Paul’s understand what our PHASE 1 plan is. We are NOT going to be going inside the church! We ARE going to be limiting the number of people allowed to attend every outdoor worship service and no one can attend without being pre-approved.
On Sunday evening July 12th at 7 p.m., which would have been the first Sunday at ‘The River,’ we will be holding an outdoor worship service on our church grounds for 50 individuals. Reservations will be made in advance and each individual or family will be assigned a designated outlined square on our church property where they will sit in during the worship service. These blocks will be safely distanced from other blocks and no one will be able to leave their space during worship. On July 19th reservations will be open for individuals who did not attend the July 12th service. Our survey overwhelmingly indicated that our church family is willing to worship every other week as we transition into our future worship realities.
Everyone coming to worship will be directed by ushers when they can go to their seating area before worship and then will be dismissed individually afterwards. The designated seating areas will be both on the church lawn and on the parking lot; parking lot seating areas will be set aside for those of us with mobility issues. Masks fully covering each individual’s nose and mouth will be required while walking to the seating area and returning to the parking locations. Masks will be optional but highly recommended once individuals are in their seating area. We are asking everyone to bring their own chairs/blankets to sit on but we will provide chairs from Hickman Hall for those requesting them. We would hope that each individual and family group will clean up after the worship service concludes.
Yes, we know that is a lot of information and it may be a bit confusing. If you have questions, ask and the leader who calls you this weekend. They will be asking you if you would like to attend the July 12th worship service. Please answer their calls or return their calls because they all leave messages. You can also e-mail me at pdatstpauls@gmail.com to ask to make a reservation but we will only have 50 locations each week during PHASE 1 of our reopening. Remember, if you are not confirmed as one of the 50 individuals coming to worship on a specific Sunday you cannot attend, and unfortunately we will ask you to leave if you just decide to show up anyhow. The rules are for everyone’s safety.
I am thankful for the love and patience you have shown since March. These have been and still are difficult days. We will continue to do all we can to protect you and those you love while also doing church 24/7.
Pastor Dave