One of the amazing truths of the 21st century is the fact that each of us has the ability to bring Jesus Christ to the entire world.
Now some of you are doubters like Thomas, but if you post and share links/stories/testimonies about faith on your Facebook page, your Twitter, your Instagram, etc. there is a strong possibility that your friends will share your posts. And then their friends will share your posts. And, well you sort of get the idea.
We have witnessed the impact of negative stories being shared but here at St. Paul’s we have also heard from people around the world who have found our little West Deptford church through Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.. Some of these people are now worshiping with us. Some have prayed directly with me, face-to-face using technology. And we don’t know the numbers but some may have discovered Jesus Christ through our church.
Almost every friend and member of St. Paul’s has internet access, which means that like me you are communicating online. If every friend and member of St. Paul’s shared every post from our Facebook page and Twitter onto your own then our church could reach hundreds and thousands of new people.
Our Christmas Eve services were viewed by people thousands of miles from New Jersey, some people who have never been to the United States much less New Jersey. Our friend Eli is in Liberia right now and he watched our services with friends and family. I heard from a gentleman in Malaysia who thanked me for our Christmas Eve service. And I have heard from friends all across the United States.
As this New Year begins, I am asking you to dedicate yourself to sharing our posts and the links to our worship services. Sunday morning worship, Wednesday morning Communion, and the daily PD@930 live streams are just some of the ways people can connect with us.
I am excited about the new possibilities that are in front of us as a vital congregation for Jesus Christ! We don’t know the date but I know we will be able to gather together again in 2021. But the truth is we can be connected each day.
So my question is … will you promise yourself to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world by simply sharing links to our website on a regular basis while also sharing all of our posts on social media?
If you have questions on how to do it, just e-mail me at pdatstpauls@gmail.com.
Pastor Dave