Click here to view the Lenten devotions by our Bishops.
The Council of Bishops invites the people of The United Methodist Church to a season of introspection and self-examination. Together this Lent, we will confess and fast from the sin of racism, discrimination, oppression and exclusion and feast on the beauty and blessing of the diversity of God’s Church.
Each week of Lent and every day of Holy Week, a United Methodist Bishop will offer a short devotion. These times of reflection will challenge and inspire us to follow Jesus through the wilderness, alienation, betrayal and even death. Along the way, we will confront the sin of racism, renew our faith, and remember the promise of Easter—that redemption, reconciliation and liberation is possible.
In 2020, the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church vowed to focus intently on dismantling racism in the church and the world. This Lenten devotional series is another step in the journey of repentance, reconciliation and action in which we invite the whole church to participate.