“For the Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth come knowledge and understanding!” Proverbs 2:6
On that day when the needle went into my arm and I had dose number one of the Pfizer vaccine running through my veins I just wanted to jump for joy! I couldn’t stop smiling behind my mask; I was thrilled and relieved!”
And I was thanking God for the knowledge and wisdom of those who developed the vaccines that are rescuing us from the global pandemic that continues to kill individuals who are not vaccinated. I also was thankful to God that I knew enough to get the vaccines, just as my parents knew enough to make sure I was vaccinated against polio and small pox.
As more of us become vaccinated the reopening team will allow more individuals back into church for in-person worship. They are using their wisdom and love for all not to rush our church family together but to use discernment and care, especially knowing that everyone can worship with us online.
Effective immediately, we will be allowing 45 individuals to worship in person every Sunday during our 9:30 worship service (25 individuals in the “overflow” section and 20 individuals in the sanctuary.). Everyone MUST make reservations (ONLINE through the website or call the church office) and everyone will be ASSIGNED seats that are socially distanced from one another. We do not know who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t so we are using that wisdom God gives us again to show love for all. Masks are required inside church and we are asking everyone to not rush and hug friends you haven’t seen by maintaining a social distance in church and not going into others’ personal space.
Our afternoon WORSHIP in the BACKYARD will be returning to St. Paul’s probably in late June with those services beginning at 6 p.m. Last year we discovered that St. Paul’s backyard’s line of trees provide us with excellent space to worship God with the convenience of being next to the church. At our outdoor worship services we will be asking individuals to sit in designated areas and to wear masks between your cars and finding your seating space. We will not be assigning seats for the WORSHIP in the BACKYARD but will create socially distanced areas so that you can sit with family/friends while not getting close to others who might want to stay at a distance.
We are optimistic that the COVID numbers in New Jersey will continue to drop over the next few months and that everyone will get their vaccinations. This means we anticipate a regular Vacation Bible School in August and more available seats for Sunday worship in September.
As you know, any American age 16 and older can now get vaccinated. New Jersey sites have vaccinations available and St. Paul’s will help you schedule your vaccination and if you need transportation we will provide it.
When I received shot number 2 I was even happier than when I received that first shot. And then Donna received hers, and Colleen and Ryan and Megan. Now our entire family can enjoy each other up close and in person without a mask while we are together. But when we go shopping the masks are back because we don’t want to infect anyone else who has not yet scheduled their shots.
There are no excuses not to be vaccinated. God has blessed us with this means of protecting ourselves and our families. Thanks be to God!
Pastor Dave