The definition of cornucopia is an abundant supply of good things of a specified kind.
As this year’s Thanksgiving approached, we celebrated the CORNUCOPIA of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of West Deptford. Our church, thanks to individuals like you, has a more than abundant supply of love for each other and love for our neighbors! We can definitely shout praises of thanksgiving to God this season because we are a vital church congregation that understands why church is important and what it means to be a church family every day of the year!
Songwriter Don Moen wrote a song, “I Just Want to Thank You Lord,” and it should be the spirit of faith we share each day. Our calendars have designated one day of thanks, but as Christians we don’t often get the opportunity to join with others to just shout or sing or worship in thanks. On Sunday November 21st at 5 p.m. we did just that.
“With a grateful heart; with a song of praise; with an outstretched arm I will bless Your name! THANK YOU LORD!”