Thank you to those who supported St. Paul’s on Giving Tuesday and helped secure our future! We were seeking to raise at least $7,000 for two projects:
- $1,000 to purchase a simple security system for the church doors. Most people don’t know, but we had a little vandalism at the church, nothing too serious, but we don’t want it to happen again. A couple of security cameras would monitor so that we can identify any intruders and take measures to stop them.
- $6,000 to secure our future by encouraging young families with children to attend. We hope to start a family-oriented evening service in the New Year that would include simple meals for families. This will give those who have various activities on Sunday mornings an opportunity to worship in church on an evening without having to worry about dinner for the family.
None of the details are clear yet, but Pastor Dave and the Leadership Team are listening to the Holy Spirit to work it out.
It’s not too late to give. Please click here to give via Paypal or send a check to the church. You can also mark your donation “Giving Tuesday” and put it in the offering box on Sunday. On Paypal, mark your gift “Other” and write in Giving Tuesday in the comments.
God bless you for your support of St. Paul’s!