Now that we’ve got your attention … there are a couple of items you should be aware of so PAY ATTENTION …
Sunday July 10-Saturday July 16. A mission trip for God to help some of the poorest people in America! A mission trip any person can go on. Families are welcome to come as a group. Teens/children must be accompanied by a parent.
Your metal and your cans … and your neighbors’ metal and your neighbors’ cans … help us raise money for the Red Bird Mission Trip. Donate your soda cans and heavy metal to the church. Call Jim Clement or the church office for details.
Do you have a child who is at least in 7th grade and has not been confirmed? Pastor Dave is trying to put together a Confirmation Class this year. We will partner with one of our neighboring churches to create a solid class of kids wanting to learn more about faith and their church. See Pastor Dave ASAP.
ok, so we don’t know what Phillies game we are going to, but we will be going to one. Plus a lot more fun stuff for the benefit of the church will be showing up soon, so check the website and follow the FACEBOOK page!
Finally, share information about your church and our church on your SOCIAL MEDIA!! Share what we post on FACEBOOK, TWITTER and INSTAGRAM!!! We are looking for someone to be in charge of our TWITTER and INSTAGRAM accounts … is that you?
THAT’s all … thank you for your attention!