Ranch Sunday, September 18, 2022
We had a great day in worship on September 18 with Rev. Dave Bailey from Ranch Hope as our guest speaker. His message entitled, “Meeting All Our Needs,” was based on the passage of Philippians 4:11.
We always enjoy having Dave with us in worship. It has been about 3 years since he was last with us, due to the pandemic. He is a man of great faith and great energy at 87 years old! We were honored to have him with us.
Many thanks also to Patty Fish & Rich Favretto for leading worship.
Our second offering went toward the ministries of Ranch Hope.
About Ranch Hope
Ranch Hope is a faith based community where all voices are heard, all lives are transformed, and all efforts are appreciated and celebrated!
Ranch Hope was founded in 1962 by the Rev. and Mrs. David L. Bailey. While Rev. Bailey was in the pastorate, he gave a speech to a local service organization entitled, “Youth in Trouble.” After the meeting, a member of the organization challenged Rev. Bailey to do something about the problems he had outlined in his talk. The seed was planted to back up his concern for pre-delinquent teenagers with action.
When Rev. Bailey’s “dream” was made known to the public, an insurance man from Bridgeton, NJ, made the first contribution ($20.00) to begin the work. It was this gift that launched Ranch Hope. With the assistance of a local dairy farmer, Rev. Bailey was able to purchase a 100 acre farm in Alloway, NJ. Rev. and Mrs. Bailey and their two children moved to the old farmhouse on the property to begin work.
Ranch Hope now serves over 90 young men and women.