The Yearly Sunday School Yard Sale Held at McCarson’s House.
On a Saturday in June the church held its annual yard sale to benefit St. Paul’s Sunday School at Ray and Edie’s house located on Jessup Road. We’d all pray for good weather and except for a time or two of light sprinkles, the weather would usually be sunny.
The Friday night before the yard sale was always a busy one for the men of the church. Treasures that were stored in the church attic all year would be brought down (remember all those boxes of books) and they along with the heavy wooden tables from the fellowship hall, would be taken to the McCarson’s house and stored on their front porch until morning.
Saturday morning would arrive and you’d find the Anchor Class setting up and manning the Sunday School tables. Tables cost five dollars to rent and there would be plenty of church members selling their own treasures. Of course, the Guiding Lights would sell food for the Sunday School. Ray would run electrical cords across the yard for us to plug in the coffee urn and the roaster for the hot dogs. Plenty of sodas and water on hand if you were hot and thirsty.
The yard sale ran from 8-1. All the treasures that weren’t sold that day, were packed up and taken back to the church for the next year’s sale.
It’s been at least twenty years since the last Sunday School yard sale at the McCarson’s was held, but the memories of them still remain.