On Thursday May 2 we gathered for a prayer service at noon at RiverWinds Community Center to celebrate National Day of Prayer. We came together as a community of neighbors who know the value of reaching out to the Creator through prayer. We welcomed pastors from various denominations, a rabbi and an imam, all joining in a “circle of prayer” together to pray for our people and our world. Rev. Glenn Conaway, our Methodist District Superintendent, gave us a relevant message about loving our neighbors, using Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood and the story of the Good Samaritan.
We also had some wonderful special music from the South Jersey Youth Orchestra’s violins and heard a moving rendition of “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” from Pastor Andy Gordon of Holy Nativity Lutheran Church. And Farhat Biviji touched our hearts with her poetry.
This was not a political moment nor one for any specific theology. It was all about declaring a relationship with God that is alive through prayer.