The Outreach Team wishes everyone a very happy New Year as we continue our mission work!
Offerings and Projects
- January
- Our first Sun. offering (Jan. 5) will benefit Human Relations Sunday.
- On the third Sunday (Jan. 19) the offering is for Blanket Sunday.
- Church World Service began in 1946 when 17 denominations came together to form an agency “to do in partnership what none of us could hope to do as well alone.” The mission: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, comfort the aged, shelter the homeless. Blanket Sunday is a CWS outreach.
- February
- Our first Sunday offering(Feb. 2) is for our St. Paul’s Food Pantry.
- On the third Sunday (Feb. 16) we will be supporting Family Promise.
- Our food pantry and Family Promise are both important mission projects of our church and we hope you will give generously.
Many thanks to all of the St. Paul’s family for your generous outpouring of support to our Mission Projects. We remain a community of love for all.
Cheri Clement