Please pray for the following:
Current Prayer Requests
For our country
For peace
For all those in the world who are hungry
For everyone who is ill
For those affected by war
Sharon R cancer treatment & biopsy
Kathie S ongoing cancer treatment
Cameron H recently hospitalized
Elaine W tests
Logan S adjusting to new aides
Janet B at home waiting for God’s will
Len H oral cancer tests
Stella B congestive heart failure
Emily B praise surgery went well
Warren L recovering from surgery
Jeanne A lost father
Dolores F biopsy
Anna afraid she’s losing faith
Mike lost two brothers to cancer
Family & friends of Jake S
David another stroke critical
Lexi ER possible appendicitis
Don T Meniere’s disease
Alysha & family flu
Heather & Nick travel mercies
Annette heart procedure
Luca awaiting biopsy
Gerry foot surgery
Jan travel mercies
Theresa knee replacement
Joe 2nd bone marrow transplant
Molly knee replacement
Kathy & Jim health issues
Laura R brain cancer
Franny M home from rehab
Mike new pacemaker
Debbie health issue
Sandy feet problems
Jamie skiing accident home now
Wayne S sick
Donna hosp heart
All affected by plane crashes
Sheila H home after rehab for injuries
All parents who are bereaved
For all first responders
Gale M back surgery
Kerri M breast cancer surgery
Cathy H eye problems
Madeline special needs
Carla possible lung problems
Family & friends of Joey killed in accident
Allison surgery
Sharon E new med
Todd & Crystal many needs
Vicki & family loss of husband Charles
H family loss of Len’s sister Mary
Matt H home after stroke & family
Barbara A back pain failed surgeries
January Prayer Requests
Family & friends of Lee T
Chris C carpal tunnel surgery
Dorothy R finished chemo & radiation
Robyn in hosp unresponsive
Buddy still in hosp
Family & friends of Tom P
Lorraine P hosp
Tom C RSV very ill
Evelyn D shingles
Anthony W praise doing better
Praise baby girl Josie
Jonathan age 5 auto accident critical cond
B family loss of wife mother grandmother
Family & friends of Elaine B
Sharon E praise stable & Jake
Someone who is very angry
Michael H heart tests
Charles J just diag with liver cancer & family
Jennifer sick maybe RSV
Someone overcome by anger
Jonathan lives in CA near fires
Cathy setback from foot/ankle surgery
Tonya lost her son
Family & friends of Shawn
Franny M hosp infection
Mike M back problems
Prayer meeting: Andre, John, Mary, Nellie & Ken, family and friends of Kathy M
Sandy D legs/feet problems
B family passing of grandfather
Ian ski accident hit head
Erinne P military now deployed
Family & friends of Aunt Sondra O
Kathy M not well
John B defibrillator needs prayer
California wildfires
Friends desperate for new home
Lynn S kidney failure
Families of those lost in CA fires and all who are affected
Sue L at ER heart issues
Family & friends of Drew F
Franny in rehab
Talia age 5 covid trouble breathing
Family & friends of Brian M
Norm B praise 80th birthday
Dean possible stroke & family
Jeff M & family loss of father
All that are ill
Family & friends of Maureen O
Denise H covid feeling better
Karen S lost husband suddenly
All who are traveling
Family attacked by a dog
December Prayer Requests
Penny shingles
Franny M hosp covid & pneumonia
Family & friends of Denise C
Alexis traveling to Vietnam alone
S family several ill
Family & friends of John R
Family & friends of Mr. B
Sandy D for good test results
Travis open heart surgery
Beverly Z recov from surgery
Ellie virus
Poppop Bob virus & back
Nelli M dementia & broken hip
Noah home recov’g serious injuries
Laurie K lost husband
Todd & Crystal homeless
Sue T & family sick
Family & friends of Joan F
Family & friends of Sharon D
Aunt Connie pacemaker
Family & friends of Wayne M
Dave X hip replacement surgery
Those alone or in pain during holidays
Pastor Val health issues & Glenn
Someone with severe anxiety
Doug S setback after surgery
Tom W spinal neck surgery
Diane W hip replacement
Tommy baby with RSV in hosp
Kathy W breathing problems
Jim hosp stroke & Kathy
Tom & Mike J mother passed
Tyler S sprained ankle/foot
Nick K hosp cardiac issues
Emily lost baby girl at birth
Ann W cancer
Dottie D health issues
Ongoing Prayer Requests
All who are ill and those caring for them
All dealing with isolation
All kids, parents, caregivers, teachers
All who are feeling a bit overwhelmed with personal issues
Healthcare workers
Healthcare & Essential Workers: All doctors, nurses and healthcare workers, and workers in essential businesses like grocery stores and convenience stores.
Clergy: Our Bishop, our District Superintendent, and all pastors and clergy, here in New Jersey and all over the world.
Military: All those serving in the military, including Erynn P, Caitlin Y, Daniel D, Kailey R, Lance V, Dan S, Chris Y, Rachel R, Sonna R, Ed S, Brandon H, Shaina S.
Shut-Ins: All shut-ins and nursing home residents, including Janet B, Mary B, Gloria L, Rosie P.
Leaders: Pray for our leaders: President Biden, Vice President Harris, Governor Murphy, Senators Booker and Menendez, our Congressional representatives, and all other elected and appointed officials who lead our nation, state and community.
Please Pray For:
Every Monday: Grocery store employees, convenience store employees, produce outlets, bakeries, restaurants, their owners and staffs.
Every Tuesday: All those working in healthcare, locally and nationally, including doctors, nurses, aides, EMTs and all support staff.
Every Wednesday: Church leaders and clergy, Pastors, District Superintendents, Bishops in every denomination. And keep our Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and our District Superintendent Glenn Conaway in your prayers.
Every Thursday: Church members and friends with last names beginning A-G.
Every Friday: Church members and friends with last names beginning H-M.
Every Saturday: Church members and friends with last names beginning N-Z.
Every Sunday: Our own families.