What are you looking for?

Are you looking for answers? Are you looking for a place you can fit in—a place that will accept you and love you just as you are, an imperfect person in an imperfect world?

Are you tired? Do you feel burdened by the weight of this busy, ever-changing world?

Are you living—really living—or just surviving?

St. Paul’s Church is a place you can find answers, find rest, find a purpose for your life. It is a place you can go to improve the quality of your life, to help you find a life that is full and meaningful.

If you are looking for a more abundant life—
Come to St. Paul’s.

If you think there’s more to life than your job—
Come to St. Paul’s.

If you are looking for a sense of family—
Come to St. Paul’s.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are in life’s journey, you are welcome at St. Paul’s. So come—come and seek, come and visit, come and stay. St. Paul’s truly has a place for everyone. Come and find a place for you.

For Help—
Please call us at 856-845-6638 or e-mail the pastor: pastor@stpaulsthorofare.com