Calling all Sunday School students! We are back in session! We meet every Sunday after church at 10:45 a.m. Join us as we learn and grow together! On September 10 we celebrated Rally Day! It was a great service, complete with Pastor Dave and his “rally cheerleading pompom!” Our kids sang for us this morning and also…
Calling all Ladies! Our Women’s Bible Study takes place on Wed. mornings (no meeting 9/13), 10 to 11:30 am in the church sanctuary. All women are invited to attend. We also welcome your friends and/or family if they’d like to join us. Our leader, Patty Fish, does an amazing job in facilitating our discussion and…
Over fifty percent of the world’s population lives closer than 3 kilometers (you are going to have to look that one up and discover something on your own) from a freshwater body, which can be a lake, a stream, or a river. Only ten percent of the population lives further than 10 kilometers away. Now,…
“You will be my witnesses to the end of the earth.” Jesus in Acts 1 Growing up I could never imagine having the capability of sharing the Word of God or my faith testimony to “the end of the earth.” Heck, I couldn’t imagine being a faith-filled witness beyond Western New York. But then technology…
We had a super duper end of the season party, picnic, BBQ, and worship service that was all rolled into one fantastic opportunity to showcase who we are at St. Paul’s! On Sunday afternoon August 27th from 4pm until 6pm we held our “annual” CHURCH PICNIC at the Red Bank Battlefield Park in National Park!!…
We stepped up to the plate with St. Paul’s!! We were there when the Philadelphia Phillies play the Kansas City Royals on Saturday August 5th. It was a perfect game … mid-summer and a Phillies team that won! And everyone had fun! Sponsored by the CRT, the Community Relations Team. Thank you all for being…
VBS wrapped up on Thursday evening, July 27, and we had a total of 73 kids in attendance! How great is that! And because there were over 70 kids, they got to pelt Pastor Dave with paintballs at the end of the program on Thursday. Many thanks to our VBS volunteers, kids, PD, parents, and…
Dear church friends, We are all greatly grieving the loss of dear sweet Megan. We remembered and celebrated our beloved Megan after church on July 16. We were happy to see so many of our members present to remember Megan. There were some nice photos of her and several of our church family brought pictures/crafts…
“Pay careful attention to yourselves and all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you to care for the church of God.” ACTS 20:28 Look at this gathering of people … no, this is not about our CHRISTMAS in JULY SERVICE on July 23rd. These folks and more are the leaders and potential leaders…
Sandi DiLeo has family history with our Church! Sandi’s grandmother Grace Armbruster and all her siblings were in cradle roll at St Paul’s and raised in this church. Great Uncle Bill lived just two doors down from the church. He was very involved in the Thorofare Fire Company and helped with many an oyster supper….