Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2
Worship Services
We worship every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., except on Easter Sunday when we provide two services, check our calendar for times. We also have two Christmas Eve services, usually at 5 & 7 p.m. Please join us! We’d love to have you! Our worship is a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles. For your GPS, our address is 74 Church Street, West Deptford NJ 08086. If you need directions, visit our “Find Us” page.
Visitor Packets
When you arrive, our greeters should offer you a visitor packet. This contains some information about St. Paul’s and the United Methodist Church, plus a blue visitor card. Please fill out the blue card and place it in the offering plate. If you wish, we can place you on our mailing list and/or email list. If the greeter doesn’t give you a packet, please ask for one!
Parking & Entrances
You may park in our parking lot. There are a couple of spaces reserved for visitors. From the parking lot you may enter the side door, go up the stairs and turn right through the double doors to enter the Sanctuary. There is also parking availability on Church Street and Evergreen Avenues. In that case, entry through the front doors will take you right into the Sanctuary.
If you are at the church to attend a meeting, please enter through the side doors from the parking lot. Hickman Hall, our large fellowship area, is downstairs to the left, and the Jay Jordan Room, our conference room, is up the stairs to the left. Church committees generally meet in the Jay Jordan Room, while support groups most often meet in Hickman Hall.
All areas of our church are handicapped accessible. For entry to the Sanctuary, there is a ramp on the side of the church from the driveway. For Hickman Hall access there is a concrete ramp behind the building leading directly into the hall. We also have electric stair lifts going both up and down from the side entrance. If you need assistance, just ask or ring both of the doorbells at the side entrance.
Children in Worship
We love children at St. Paul’s and they are welcome in our worship service. We also offer a nursery during worship for children age 5 and under. The nursery is located in the Sunday School wing, first door on the right. You are welcome to sit in the nursery with your children and listen to the worship service through the speaker in that room. We don’t currently have a nursery attendant, but may employ one in the future if there is a need. Click on this link to StPaulsAlive Safe Sanctuaries Policy.