In these challenging times it is very important that all of us associated with St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of West Deptford understand that WE ARE THE CHURCH … actually more accurately YOU ARE THE CHURCH and I am just blessed and honored to be your current pastor. As we hear rumors about other churches…

There are seven, yes you read it right, SEVEN opportunities for Bible studies every week at St. Paul’s, some of which you can do at home! Even if you missed the first class of the season, it’s not too late. You can attend any week and get a valuable experience of God’s Word. We kicked…

Every Tuesday we have been ZOOMING a Bible Study at 8 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. In less than 30 minutes God’s Word is being discussed in a time of prayer and discovery. Pastor Dave has decided that a more focused study might bring in more people. So, starting in October we are going to tackle…

We’d like to invite anyone who likes to sing, no experience required, to join our choir at St. Paul’s. Rehearsal is every Thursday at 7 p.m. beginning on Thursday, November 7. Because we don’t have a choir director, we won’t be practicing on October 24 & 31. Come on November 7. We look forward to…

As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 Our members were most generous in contributing to our “Undie Sundays” in early August, and we filled an SUV with diapers, underpants and undershirts, onesies, socks and sleepwear for the children of Camden. All this was organized…

Eight members of St. Paul’s spent a week at the Red Bird Mission, located in the nation’s poorest county. They helped the people who live there experience a safer and healthier life through work on their homes. The work of missions teams is directly connected to God’s charge for us to go into the world…

As a pastor in these turbulent times when I continue to watch churches shrink and divesting themselves of their responsibilities to go into the world for Jesus Christ it is with great joy that I am able to again celebrate St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of WEST DEPTFORD, NJ. We are a church where ALL…

We received the following letter from Church World Service, sponsors of the “Blanket Sunday” we collect for every January. Dear friends, Thank you so much for being a sponsoring CWS Blanket congregation! Church World Service couldn’t do our Blankets ministry without congregations like yours. We are so grateful for your generosity. Attached is a banner…

Last Sunday after church Tiffany and Mike Daly came to me. They were the bearers of good news and bad news. Happy news and sad news. I knew almost immediately without words being spoken what the message of the song was … they have found a new home, which moves them closer to Mike’s work…

The Annual Conference of the United Methodists of Greater New Jersey has concluded. I am happy to confirm that our Bishop has reappointed me as the pastor of St. Paul’s UMC West Deptford! St Paul’s in West Deptford illustrates every day what a church of Jesus Christ is meant to be. ALL are welcome into…

Family Promise is one of the most important ministries of our church. Recently the Today Show did a feature on how Family Promise transforms the lives of the homeless. Click below to watch the video.  

Although Lent is past, St. Paul’s continues to offer members, friends, and strangers the opportunity to participate in an exclusively ONLINE BIBLE STUDY called Tune-Up. The goal is to get our faith tuned up and ready to bring Christ into the world with love. The class meets using ZOOM conferencing, which is a free app….

St. Paul’s Food Pantry is starting off 2019 with a brand new partner in donating to our pantry. Big Lots in West Deptford reached out to the Food Bank of South Jersey that they were looking to give back to the community through food donations. The Food Bank contacted me to see if we were…

SIGHT AND SOUND TRIP in December was a huge success. We filled the bus and had a great time. The production “Jesus” was incredible! PHILLIES GAME in July was a fun time with hotdogs and baseball. About 35 people attended. POTLLUCK SUPPERS in February, June, September and November celebrated our Family Promise guests and entertained…

I assure you that when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me. Matthew 25:40 Our food pantry gave out Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to our clients. Thank you so much to everyone that donated. On a continuing basis, any food…

Our annual Angel Wreath was hung on the first of December. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE THAT TOOK AN ANGEL AND HELPED A NEEDY CHILD! Each child received two gifts, a clothing item and a toy or fun item. This important mission services the children from financially challenged families in our local area. Thanks…

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© 2017- St. Paul's United Methodist Church, West Deptford, NJ