Last Sunday after church Tiffany and Mike Daly came to me. They were the bearers of good news and bad news. Happy news and sad news. I knew almost immediately without words being spoken what the message of the song was … they have found a new home, which moves them closer to Mike’s work and to Tiffany’s family. But with this move they now are beyond a reasonable drive to St. Paul’s for worship on Sunday and for choir practice on Thursday. They told me that this choir season is her last with us as music director.
Now, they both paused to declare that St. Paul’s will always be their church home and that there is no place like St. Paul’s. And I paused to again remind Tiffany that she and Mike will always be considered part of our church family.
This week Tiffany shared the news with our choir; Staff Parish Relations Committee has been notified; and we move forward. We will begin an earnest search for someone to take over as our Music Director. The new person cannot fill Tiffany’s shoes but will bring their own unique musical gifts to our church. If you know individuals who might be interested please share their name with me or with Dana Kovack.
Scriptures teach us “Sing to the Lord a new song,” “Come let us sing for joy to the Lord,” and “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord!” Music …. God’s gift to God’s people and those talented with musical skills like Tiffany are a blessing to those who experience their sharing of the gift they have from God and musicians always share!
Just a few weeks ago I was given a gift by Tiffany when the offertory changed and followed my sermon … when the words of Jonathan Larson and Billy Aronson were part of my message. I heard the beautiful musical notes from Seasons of Love resonating throughout our Sanctuary. I cried tears of joy and will never forget that moment.
Thank you so much, Tiff and Mike!
Pastor Dave