Perhaps you’ve seen the bulletin board in the hallway with the music notes and wondered, “What is it all about?”
St. Paul’s is starting a new program called ‘Friends of Music,’ and with so many of us who love the music of this church and music in general, we are extending this invitation to YOU! Would you like to add to this experience by inviting special musicians throughout the year, such as people who play different instruments, perhaps music from different cultures, etc.? We may even be able to host a special concert in the spring or next fall. When members of the community hear the buzz that we generate with this program,people will be drawn to St. Paul’s to hear the beautiful music we make!
We kicked off this program with special offering envelopes in the worship bulletins on October 27th. We graciously accept any donations you may wish to contribute to this program; offering envelopes are posted on the bulletin board in the main hall. Donations for this new endeavor may be placed in the regular offering plate or given to Carla Branyan.
Keep your eyes on that Musical Bulletin Board in the hallway. Updates will be posted in the near future as we craft some new fantastic ideas for concerts, performers, and other grand experiences to enrich our worship.
Carla Branyan