In November we held our first “Cluster Youth Group” with leaders and youth from five local United Methodist Churches. There were more than 30 people present (adults and kids) and we can call it a success! There were four teens representing St. Paul’s!
We can now officially state that St. Paul’s has a youth group for teens in junior high and senior high. It meets on the first Sunday of each month. The youth group meeting time is going to continue to be 5 p.m. Meetings will last 1-1/2 hours, including food, fun, and devotions, and we are agreed that Zion UMC on Kings Highway in Clarksboro is a good central location. It is only 5 miles from St. Paul’s.
Pastor Dave is confident that the numbers from St. Paul’s will increase and that the youth group will not only enhance the lives of those who attend but also on our community.
If your teen is interested, see Pastor Dave.