It was on St. Patrick’s Day of 2020 that I sat down on the piano bench in the Overflow section of our sanctuary. I lifted the cover off of the piano keys, turned on the FACEBOOK stream, and welcomed everyone to another morning devotion. But on that Tuesday morning at the very start of COVID something was going to be different.
I was going to sing! I sang the song that lists the books of the Bible that I learned as a child. I made a point that if you sang this song that helps memorize the books of the Bible while you wash your hands then you will have washed your hands for the appropriate length of time to keep COVID off of them. You do remember when we were all concerned with washing our hands, right?
Little did I know how that morning would change my everyday life. Almost immediately after the Facebook stream finished my phone buzzed with two text messages both basically asking “can you be funny again tomorrow?” I opened my e-mail and there were messages from others asking me to use our daily online devotion as a place for me to be funny. Before the day was out I had a total of 7 messages pleading CAN YOU BE FUNNY TOMORROW?
And so I have tried to be funny every day of the week with PD@930 on St. Paul’s Facebook page. I remembered Robin Williams saying that “comedy is acting out optimism” and Maya Angelou wrote, “Laugh as much as possible, always laugh. It’s the sweetest thing one can do for oneself and for one’s fellow human beings.”
We are closely approaching 600 episodes of PD@930, and if you have watched you know I have covered amazing topics like National Dog Biscuit Day, always doing my best to provide a fact that you “can use if you get on Jeopardy!” Fridays have changed and become “In the Kitchen with PD@930” where I love sharing recipes that I enjoy with viewers. And Saturday morning I just tell jokes that people have sent to me. Almost 2000 individual jokes so far! Send your jokes to me at pdatstpauls@gmail.com.
One truth that I have found through this ministry is that it blesses and helps me. By trying to be funny or silly each day I start my day with a positive energy that I sometimes need in my job.
When I have thought about reducing the number of days for PD@930 it always seems that I get a message from someone thanking me for making them laugh and for having a better day. And so I continue and hopefully I made you laugh today when you watched me on FACEBOOK.
I have a great painting of Jesus laughing in my office. I have always thought that our Lord when hanging out with His disciples must have had one awesome laugh!!! Laughter, the sweetest thing we can do for ourselves and for others!