Have you noticed that like-new gleam from the baptismal font? On a cold January day, the elementary Sunday School children were studying about Jesus’ baptism, so we ventured into the sanctuary to view our baptismal font to compare the differences and similarities about the time when Jesus was baptized.

They immediately noticed how dirty, discolored, and old the brass insert in the baptismal font was. Several children wanted to raise money to replace it.

We are always saying that the children are the future,  and it took the children to get this project going. Instead of buying new, Steve Miller took the brass bowl home where he spent many hours polishing it. Now it looks beautiful again!

We noticed that the wood top of the baptismal font was rotted and splintering off, so David Fish made a new beautiful Corian top that will never tarnish or need to be replaced – it will last us many decades. A big thank you to everyone who participated, and let’s keep including our children in all the projects.

Carla Branyan


© 2017- St. Paul's United Methodist Church, West Deptford, NJ