“Pay careful attention to yourselves and all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you to care for the church of God.” ACTS 20:28
Look at this gathering of people … no, this is not about our CHRISTMAS in JULY SERVICE on July 23rd. These folks and more are the leaders and potential leaders of a place of faith and worship that matters dearly to all of us, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of West Deptford.
We are a church family that cares for and loves each other in an amazing way! We are a church family that welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to worship with us or join the church family!! St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of West Deptford is truly a remarkable place of worship that truly understands the benefits of being a united church family.
During a difficult time for many churches, when factions within those organizations are dividing and causing sadness, frustration, and anger, the people of St. Paul’s truly love each other, worship with joy, pray without ceasing, and are focused on the mission of God’s church, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of West Deptford.
And now that you are smiling and realizing how good we have it I need to ask … are YOU willing to step up and serve on a leadership team? We do not have age requirements and some of the teams do not require you to even be an official member of the church family. But we cannot go into the future without volunteers serving on teams like the Trustees, Staff Parish Relations, Finance, and others. We absolutely need church members to say, “I am here, how can you use my abilities?” rather than having the pastor beg for someone to say yes to being on a leadership team.
One of the good news realities about our leadership teams is that they don’t meet all that often, and because of our leadership and our staff members there are very few problems that need resolution during the year.
So THINK ABOUT IT …. PRAY ABOUT IT … and then decide that yes, you will serve God and our special church during the next year in some capacity in addition to worshiping on Sundays. And then see Pastor Dave or Dave Fish. And don’t forget about CHRISTMAS in JULY on Sunday morning July 23rd at 9:30am. Time to get your “ugly Christmas sweaters” out! Pastor Dave will be wearing his.