The Women’s Bible study wrapped up its fall/winter study at the end of January.
We read and studied “Love Stories from the Bible” by Shannon Bream. We had an average attendance of 22 women at each study. We read our chapter at home each week and then held an open discussion about what we had read.
We have learned from each other and learned especially about the women of the Bible. We also hold a time of prayer at the end of our session. It’s been great!
At our last session, we all went to Ciconte’s for a nice lunch. There were 26 of us at lunch. It was good to just sit down and talk with each other. I would like to thank all the ladies for their devotion to reading and coming out to our study. I love our time together and look forward to our next study.
Many thanks to Gary Rutter who made sure the heat was on for us. We will resume meeting sometime in September with a new book. I will keep you posted on our start date and new book. All the ladies of the church are welcome to join us! We have a great time together! Thank you and God bless the praying women of St. Paul’s!
Patty Fish