We are looking forward to cool weather and more mission work!

Offerings and Projects

  • Sept.
    • Our first Sun. offering (Sept 1) will go to Shared Ministries to support United Methodist causes worldwide.
    • On the third Sunday (Sept 15) the mission offering will benefit UrbanPromise.
    • UrbanPromise is a Christian nonprofit youth organization in Camden, New Jersey. It provides youth educational and developmental programs. These include an alternative high school, an elementary/middle school, after-school programs, summer camps, teen job training, boat building, environmental and experiential
  • October
    • Our first Sunday offering (Oct 6) is World Communion Sunday Offering.
    • On the third Sunday (Oct. 20) the mission offering is for Ranch Hope.
    • Ranch Hope, a South Jersey United Methodist ministry, cares for at-risk teens who need the structure and faith-based ministry to get their lives back on track. Founded by Rev. Dave Bailey.

Thank you all so much for your support of all our Outreach & Mission projects!

Cheri Clement

© 2017- St. Paul's United Methodist Church, West Deptford, NJ