His Name Is Shiloh
“Those who exploit the powerless anger their Maker, while those who are kind to the poor honor God.” Proverbs 14:31
Our church family has again demonstrated what a loving and caring church we are. When I shared the story of Todd, Crystal, and Shiloh, the immediate response was “how can we help these individuals and their beautiful dog who are living in the woods near us in Gloucester County?” Not a single person used words of judgment nor of condemnation. The only comments I heard were “how can we help?”
Sadly, we live in a time where individuals can easily slip and end up without the means to rent an apartment or own a home. The so-called “safety net” has been obliterated and it is a difficult climb to get on one’s feet once you have slipped.
In the coming weeks, I am going to be meeting with clergy and faith leaders in an attempt to create better opportunities for people living in poverty in our community like Todd and Crystal. We need to find ways to keep couples together and to allow them to have pets like Shiloh. I am going to ask for your prayers and your support.
Believe me, I am not going to abandon nor forget about these three you have embraced this Christmas season. You provided them with the amazing Christmas gift of a warm hotel room for four nights and with hot meals, which they had not had in a long time. Shiloh has been given treats and a supply of dog food. Crystal has a new warm coat and we have found a heating system for their tent. I will be working with Todd to get him identification papers and with Crystal to resolve the issues with her Social Security. Once Todd gets back to work, they will be able to save money for the security deposit that is needed to rent an apartment. Slowly they will begin the move back out of the woods.
Todd and Crystal are looking forward to the day they can come to church. Todd is wondering if Shiloh can come too, and I think that would be doable.
They still need food, which some of my friends have been helping with, but you can help too. They need prayers; so does this “mission” I feel God wants us/me to take on, so please pray.
We live in the wealthiest nation in the world, but we refuse to care for the poor and homeless. Somehow, I think that goes against everything Scripture teaches. So together, let’s keep loving and caring for those who are struggling. Maybe we can make a difference here in our back yard.
Pastor Dave