We are thrilled to bring the Acolyte program back to St. Paul’s. Acolyte service is available to children age 8 and older. After a short training session, they can light the candles and assist the Pastor during the worship service.
Many thanks to Donna Sierocinski for volunteering to lead the program. Please see Donna if you would like to sign up your child to be an Acolyte. We are trying to fill all Sunday services.
The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning companion, attendant, or helper. This ministry has its roots in the Old Testament, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest. Similarly, Elisha is seen assisting Elijah the Prophet.
In the late middle ages, when candles began to appear upon altars, acolytes lighted the altar candles. Today we see our acolytes dressed in white robes, quietly carrying the flame of Christ, lighting candles, and assisting the pastor on the altar. They are a vital part of worship.