VBS wrapped up on Thursday evening, July 27, and we had a total of 73 kids in attendance! How great is that! And because there were over 70 kids, they got to pelt Pastor Dave with paintballs at the end of the program on Thursday.
Many thanks to our VBS volunteers, kids, PD, parents, and support persons. We appreciate their dedication and hard work in preparing and working VBS. It makes a difference in the lives of our kids.
About SonWest Roundup
The Wild West captures the imagination of kids of all ages! At SonWest Roundup the children rode high in a colorful Western town with cowboys and cowgirls, beautiful horses, cute prairie dogs, shady purple canyons, and wide-open blue skies. When our kids saddled up and explore the exciting stories of Moses, they discovered the treasure of Jesus’ love!
Our buckaroos loved this colorful Old West town and the heart racing activities like games, crafts, music, skits, Bible stories, and mighty tasty snacks! There were all kinds of cool things that made this a super way to reach children with God’s plan of salvation through Jesus.
VBS was for age 3 through 6th grade. The children spent five evenings at our SonWest Roundup, hearing Bible stories, playing games, singing songs, and making crafts. Even our snacks were be Wild West themed. It was a wonderful time!