We received 13 new members in November. Here’s a photo of most of them. Another new member class took place in March/April. If you are new to our church, or have been attending a while but haven’t made a membership commitment, now is the time! If you’re interested in learning more and possibly making a commitment…

We delivered three carloads of backpacks and school supplies to be distributed to needy children in our area: Thank you very much from the Outreach Committee.

Our  Connectional United Methodist mission trip to the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky was wonderful! The three members that attended, Mary Ann, Sue and Mike, all said they would have liked to stay another week. Our trip next summer will be the second week in August. Consider going. It’s such a rewarding experience! Please continue…

When you eat at the Piston Diner, 821 Crown Point Rd, Westville, St. Paul’s will receive money back for our ministries. If you hand in our donation form when you pay your bill, a portion of what you pay will benefit our church. Click here for our Piston donation form. Piston owners Dee and Ish support…

Effective immediately, only church members can borrow church owned chairs and tables. They must sign a formal request that indicates the numbers of items to be borrowed, the dates of use, and then wait for the approval of a church official. Request forms are available from Trista in the church office, from Don Strock, chair…

It is a day to celebrate because we have pretty much paid for the replacement of our two old air conditioning units. I had no idea how much money we might raise on #GivingTuesday but hoped we could get a good start towards the money we need to keep our Sanctuary cool in the heating…

As a pastor I find that a congregation becomes like a family. When we pause on ALL SAINTS SUNDAY to remember loved ones there is a blending of joy, sadness, and celebration of faith as memories are brought back in the light of the candles. This morning at St. Paul’s we remembered our 7 members…

Hi, everyone, I want you to hear how God has been working for me and for St. Paul’s. Kind of a long story . . . We were talking in Bible study, and I told my group that I don’t “hear” God speaking to me the way some people do. But as I write this…

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© 2017- St. Paul's United Methodist Church, West Deptford, NJ