When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit! I am…

Thank you to everyone who supported our Red Bird Mission Team Hoagie Sale on Father’s Day, June 19th, to support the Red Bird Mission Trip. We made a total profit of $376 toward our mission trip! Lunch included a hoagie from Hawks Deli, Herr’s chips and a bottle of water for $8.00. Don’t forget, your…

The Red Cross’s supply of blood is fragile and in constant need of replacement. Donors are needed at our Blood Drive on Saturday, July 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please help by making an appointment to come to St. Paul’s. Sign up online at redcrossblood.org or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. Sponsor code is: St Pauls Thorofare….

Our Annual St. Paul’s Sunday School Spring Picnic was held on Sunday, June 5th at Red Bank Battlefield Park. The children had a wonderful time playing games and eating their fill. Many church members were able to attend and enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs provided by the Sunday School and a great variety of delicious salads…

Speak tenderly, comfort my people says God. -Isaiah 40:1 Dear Friends in Christ, There are no words. Shootings and killings in the last two weeks of African Americans in a Buffalo, NY supermarket, an Asian church in Southern California and a school in Uvalde, TX leave us all hurt, wondering and angry. We grieve for…

Vacation Bible School will celebrate “Christmas in July” with our kids, from Sunday, July 24th through Thursday, July 28th. Pastor Dave thinks we can bring 100 kids to Jesus, and we will certainly give it our best shot! With that number of anticipated children in attendance, that means we need volunteers to prepare for the…

As some of you know,  the Christmas Moravian star that shines so brightly in our sanctuary every Christmas Eve burnt through and broke after almost  50 years. Carla and Norm took a day trip out to Lititz, Pennsylvania to the Moravian store to shop for a new star. There were so many choices! The history…

Help Ukraine: Last Holy Season none of us could have ever dreamed that the good people of the Ukraine would have their world destroyed less than 12 months later. Good people with everyday lives have been killed and brutalized by Russian invaders who are trying to destroy this democratic nation. Churches have been specifically targeted…

Soup Sunday has been a successful fund raiser for the church. Special thanks to Ish at the Piston Diner who prepares and donates the soup. Sunday, May 1st is our next Soup Sunday. The featured soup is Vegetarian Vegetable. You can place your order online at www.stpaulsalive.org or by calling Mary Ann at 856-905-7682. Pick…

There is that question … CAN I GET A WITNESS? I wonder how often God is looking down from above and declaring … where are the voices who ‘get it?’ Where are those who live their lives sharing what they believe? That question was raised a few months ago to me by an individual who…

We are excited to renew the acolyte program for worship services. Cailyn Houghton served as our acolyte for Palm Sunday. Cailyn’s mother, Angela, is our new acolyte coordinator. Angela will be working with the Sunday School  children who are interested in participating. Any child age 8 and above who is interested, see Angela. Thank you,…

Our Women’s Bible Study, led by Patty Fish, completed the book “Praying Women” by Sheila Walsh in April. The ladies were all thrilled with the study, and with our leader. They presented Patty with a gift card to thank her for a year of great Bible studies. We averaged over 20 ladies per class and…

We had a wonderful time on Palm Sunday, April 10 with our Easter Egg Hunt and a social hour after church. The Sunday School provided coffee and cookies and everyone enjoyed our first social hour since the pandemic began two years ago. It was ots of fun for the whole family. So glad everyone could…

We had a successful chicken BBQ fund raiser on April 3! We sold all 400 dinners and a team of volunteers stepped up to make it run smoothly. We have a fun time working together. Thanks to everyone that helped!

Because of the declining covid numbers in our area, the Reopening Team has announced that masks are no longer required. Although masking is recommended, it is up to each individual to decide what God would have them do. As you can see from the featured photo taken March 6th, most church members have chosen not…

Thank you to all those who purchased the Super Bowl Strombolis. We sold 162 this year. A big shout out to those who picked them up at the bakery and those who helped package them for pickup. Next year we will mark the foil bags to identify what’s inside. Soup Sunday has been a successful…

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© 2017- St. Paul's United Methodist Church, West Deptford, NJ