As a pastor in these turbulent times when I continue to watch churches shrink and divesting themselves of their responsibilities to go into the world for Jesus Christ it is with great joy that I am able to again celebrate St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of WEST DEPTFORD, NJ. We are a church where ALL are welcome … ALL are loved … and where CHILDREN truly matter!
This week’s incredible Vacation Bible School program that packed the church not only with children but with volunteers of all ages once again proved that yes VBS can be done without charging families … VBS can be done with volunteers young and old whose mission is to share the reality of God and Christ in the world!
The children:
- Found Adventure on the River!
- Found Acceptance on the River!
- Found Joy on the River!
- Found Rest on the River!
- Found Peace on the River!
We had kids representing the rainbow of society. We have healthy kids and kids with “dis-ABILITIES.” No one cared what color their fellow “rafters” skin was nor the accent with which they spoke. The kids and the volunteers celebrated each other because we are all equally God’s children here on this planet!
I tried to say THANK YOU over and over again and some of the kids giggled as I did that but I can’t say thanks enough because life long memories and connection to God and Jesus Christ happened at this little church just off of I-295 in Gloucester County New Jersey this week because people of faith chose to become involved rather than sitting back and expecting others to do it.
WE don’t know where we will be tomorrow or next week or whether we will be here again for the next VBS and that is why what happened here this week mattered so much!
I am so fortunate to serve an incredible church family like this one! They head out in mission to serve the poor and hurting! They welcome those struggling in their lives to come to this church! And, every Sunday ALL are welcome … no restrictions no objections and this church family believes every believer has the right to serve God and Christ.
Thanks to all of you!
Pastor Dave