With the situation in our country, many people have gotten laid off. The need for food has exploded, and our food pantry is responding.
Our Food Pantry is still open on the second Wednesday of each month for people to come get food. Social distancing is in place so there is limited contact between people and our volunteers, and everyone wears masks. We are also taking calls and delivering food baskets to those who need it. Carol Strock is spearheading this effort with the help of Don and many volunteers.
Extending grateful thanks to our food pantry volunteers: Sandi DiLeo, Norm Branyan, Merrilee and Bill Chappell, Jim & Cherie Clement, Joe & Lynne Hoffman, Steve & Gerry Miller, Lori Holland, Kim Gibson, Hope Hooley, and of course Don & Carol Strock. There have been many other offers to deliver food or pack food baskets. We are so lucky to be blessed with a church that steps up where help is needed!
If you need food, please email StPaulsWDFoodPantry@gmail.com .
Carol Strock