Severe winter weather in parts of the country is forcing blood drive cancellations, causing lifesaving blood donations to go uncollected.
St. Paul’s is a dedicated donation site in our local area and we have been driving a concerted effort to help encourage blood donors in West Deptford, New Jersey and surrounding towns.
In 2020 alone, the donation drives held in Hickman Hall were able to collect 147 blood donations which allowed the Red Cross to help 441 hospitals and patients in need. These numbers during a normal year are tremendous — but considering the challenges 2020 created for everyone — it becomes easy to see how truly amazing and such a blessing our efforts have been.
I am continuing to coordinate with the Red Cross to help increase supplies that are at an all-time low.
We have held blood drives in April and May, and are currently confirmed to hold one more blood drives in June:
- June 26th @ 9 a.m.
Please schedule your appointment today by visiting the Red Cross website at or calling 800-RED-CROSS.
Trista C. Jones