It’s MAY and we have so much happening at St. Paul’s!!
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Merry Month of May because at St. Paul’s there’s so much going on to celebrate our faith and our church family!!
We kick off May by hosting the West Deptford Township celebration of the National Day of Prayer with an Interfaith program on May 4th at noon at RiverWinds. We will be streaming the program so if you miss it, you can always watch it again on FACEBOOK!
On Sunday May 7th our District Superintendent, Reverend Glenn Conaway, will be our guest preacher since I will be away for the week. Pastor Glenn is a wonderful preacher and I know you will enjoy hearing him.
We celebrate Mother’s Day by having women of the church bring the message of the day on Sunday, May 14th.
Sunday, May 21st is our Spring Chicken Barbecue, but it is also a double baptism at church, so lots of celebrating happening that day at St. Paul’s. Later in the day Pastor Dave along with the Strocks will be headed to Wildwood to represent our church at the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Then it’s time to get out your red caps with the Pentecostal P on them because May 28th we celebrate the birth of the Christian church with a joy-filled Pentecost service.
On Monday May 29th we will be parading along with our neighbors in the West Deptford Memorial Day parade.
Mix in Holy Communion every Wednesday morning at 7am … Men’s Breakfasts on May 13th and May 17th, and many more activities. We are one busy church, and it sure feels good knowing that we are alive and well!!!
Pastor Dave