I just want to CONFIRM the interest!! Because several people have reached out to me to ask about CONFIRMATION for our teenagers and that is really GOOD NEWS to me!!
We United Methodists use the term “confirmation” to mark the first time a baptized Christian publicly “confirms” their intention to live the vows of the baptismal and membership covenant and so becomes a professing member of the local congregation and The United Methodist Church. If you carefully note, this is not necessarily the first time these young people have expressed their faith, but it is their step up to become “professing members of our church and the United Methodist Church.”
Traditionally, I have limited Confirmation classes to young people who are in Grade 8 or older but for this season since we have not had a Confirmation class in such a long time, I am going to open it up to young people Grade 7 and older.
I need to know the sincere interest amongst our young people, because participating in a Confirmation class requires students to attend regularly with only a few excused absences allowed. There is weekly homework that must be completed by the students and projects that they will be engaged in. The classes will for the most part be held at church but there will be some classes held online via ZOOM.
The day of the week and time of day for the classes will be determined once we know who is interested in being confirmed. Classes will be begin in January, 2023 and Confirmation will take place in the spring.
Here’s the basic criteria:
- Student is in Grade 7 or older as of September 2023
- Student believes in Jesus Christ and wants to be confirmed in the United Methodist Church
- Student is willing to commit to the work of the class and to attend 90% of the classes.
So if you know a young person who meets those basic criteria, please speak with me or contact me at pdatstpauls@gmail.com.