A little bit of Mantua Grove history that I remember: My children and all the others would go to Mantua Grove Chapel for Sunday school, although big events were always held at St. Paul’s. Before we sold Mantua Grove Chapel, we would always have our annual Picnic at Lake Garrison. We had such a great time and I do believe everyone looked forward to it every year.
When my youngest son Raymond was baptized by Rev. Shank, he used water from the River Jordan. When Raymond was about 4½ he had a piece to say for the Christmas pageant they were putting on. He knew it by heart, but he was so shy that when it was his turn he just stood there and would not say a word. His teacher, trying to help him, said, “Raymond, it is Jesus’ birthday.”
Raymond shouted out, “Happy Birthday Jesus!” and sat down.
Needless to say, every Christmas Eve when we are together, he hears this story again and again. “It’s Jesus’ birthday he’s our guest, Let’s do what will please him best.” This is what we tease him with every year.
Two of my sons would walk or run to get up to the little white chapel to ring the bell so all could come on time. Jim Verfaillie’s Dad was my boys’ Sunday school teacher, and they helped him plant trees which are still there to this day. Also during Holy Week Mr. Verfaillie would put up on the chapel lawn three wooden crosses that he had made & my sons would always help him.
So many good memories. My sons are now in their 60s and 70s.
Joyce Nuneviller