“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy!” Job 8:21

What a great day in worship celebrating Pentecost on May 19!

Red is the color of Pentecost and most everyone wore red and their red “Pentecost” hats! Brenda Toppin and Jim Verfaillie were our greeters and Logan Sierocinski was our acolyte this morning.

Patty Fish played for the service and Carla Branyan was our song leader. We sang Patty’s favorite hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” as our opening hymn. Thanks PD!

Thanks to Bev Betz who made a new Pentecost banner for Pastor Dave’s reading stand. It looks so nice.

Declan Hartnett was our liturgist and did a terrific job. He had many difficult words to say, and he has been practicing the reading since he got it on Wednesday. Thank you, Declan! We’re sure a lot of adults in the congregation were thinking “thank goodness I’m not reading today!”

Molly Corraluzzo sang the song “Start a Fire,” and Denise accompanied her on the keyboard-thank you! We always love to hear Molly sing.

Dave Fish talked to the kids about the Holy Spirit, using a big fan for illustration. Maddie was our prayer leader for the Children’s Message and Zach, ever faithful, led us in our offertory prayer.

Pastor Dave gave his message “Are You Ready to Fly?” He said, “The Holy Spirit is there to guide us and lift us up…The Holy Spirit is there to nudge us…Do you remember the first time you realized God was God?” That is a good question for all of us.

Patty saw on a church sign board this past week “Who do you say that I am? signed Jesus.” Thought provoking.

At the end of Pastor Dave’s message, we had a balloon toss to celebrate Pentecost-lots of fun and laughter. Many thanks to all who take part in the service and to all who attend in person or online. St. Paul’s is a wonderful place to be on Sunday mornings!

© 2017- St. Paul's United Methodist Church, West Deptford, NJ