Latest News
A group of our members enjoyed another awesome St Paul’s night at The Phillies’!! We…
Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for all your undie donations!! During August we collected…
Merry Christmas…in July! This year’s VBS, July 24-28, was a huge success! We reached 75…
Together we can do great things. –Mother Teresa Red Bird 2022 has accomplished its assigned…
We will no longer meet in the backyard on Sunday evenings for worship. One of…
St. Paul’s Mission challenge in July is to raise money to help the Ukrainian National…
Back in May, Dave Fish gave our kids a children’s message based on John 17:22-23:…
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. Ecclesiastes…
When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound from…
Thank you to everyone who supported our Red Bird Mission Team Hoagie Sale on Father’s…
The Red Cross’s supply of blood is fragile and in constant need of replacement. Donors…
Our Annual St. Paul’s Sunday School Spring Picnic was held on Sunday, June 5th at…
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Recent Sermons
Standing Room Only
SRO: I think the first time I heard a reference to SRO
it was the name of an album performed by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.
I wonder how many of you remember their music?
Our Staff & Leadership
Rev. Dave Delaney
Dave Fish
Lay Leader
Bela Debreceni
Music Director
Denise Hosier
Communications Coordinator
Trista Jones
Administrative Assistant
Jim Clement
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