Latest News
The definition of cornucopia is an abundant supply of good things of a specified kind….
We did something new and exciting for us ladies at St. Paul’s–a Women’s Bible Study!…
There is a commonality amongst the SEVEN NEW MEMBERS of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church….
On All Saints Sunday, November 7th, we honored the family members and friends who have…
We held our annual Sunday School Bazaar & Yard Sale on Saturday, November 6 and…
Many Sunday School families and friends joined us in Hickman Hall on Friday, October 29…
We’d like to invite anyone who likes to sing, no experience required, to join our…
Calling all Sunday School students! We are back in session!. Bring the whole family! Sunday…
WE’RE FAMOUS! Our Red Bird Missionaries were featured prominently in the United Methodist Relay for…
Help Us Get to 130! That magic mark of 130 represents what our attendance can…
The Community Relations Team has resumed Pretzel Sunday. The 3rd Sunday of every month you…
Monday through Saturday at 930 our FACEBOOK stream offers you PD@930, which is hard to…
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Recent Sermons
Make Lent Personal This Year
“Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
The Lenten season has annually been morphed into a bizarre collective of sacrificing life practices, including giving up certain TV shows, hiding the Reeses for a few weeks, and making promises that never get fulfilled.
Our Staff & Leadership
Rev. Dave Delaney
Dave Fish
Lay Leader
Bela Debreceni
Music Director
Denise Hosier
Communications Coordinator
Trista Jones
Administrative Assistant
Jim Clement
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