Click here for Order of Worship 2021 COMMUNION for MARCH
Do This in Remembrance of Me.
–Words of Jesus at the Last Supper
Dear Friends,
As autumn arrives we continue to prove every day that St. Paul’s of West Deptford is alive and well!
We are moving forward in faith but I have discovered that in my faith walk there is something that I needed but forgot how much I needed it and that is Holy Communion. Through online Communion, I am once again focused on my personal prayers and sharing in the meal as a child of God rather than being focused on making sure everyone in church is cared for. I have been blessed by the three services of Holy Communion I have participated in since the COVID-19 pandemic took the world into this season of isolation.
And as I stated during worship this week, I know I am in need of healing. I need the boost of the Holy Spirit and the sense of faith renewal Communion brings.
So I have been offering online Holy Communion on Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m. through our FACEBOOK page. The “service” shouldn’t last more than 20 minutes and will include prayer, Scripture, and the meal.
I would like to invite you, your family and friends into this worshipful moment each week. For the elements of the meal you can have a piece of bread or a cracker plus a small glass of grape juice, another juice, water or wine. Seven a.m. is very early for me but there is a peacefulness in the world in the early morning and I want all of us sharing in the meal to feel that peace while connecting with God.
The ORDER OF WORSHIP is linked at the top of the page. As you will see, there is a different prayer of confession for each Wednesday as well as a different Scripture reading. But you just have to print this out once for the entire month.
Thank you for your prayers for me–they are greatly appreciated!
Pastor Dave