What a wonderful service of remembrance and communion we had on November 6! We were blessed to have so many join us in worship.
And a special blessing was to have Logan, his parents Donna and Wayne, and his sisters Mary and Harley with us too! Logan assisted Pastor Dave by taking the light of Christ out as we ended our service.
Zach was the Scripture and prayer reader for the Children’s Message and Jeannette Branson was our liturgist. Our choir sang beautifully, and it was just good to be in the sanctuary this morning.
Pastor Dave led us in a time of remembrance for All Saints Sunday. We remembered each person with a chime and those who cared for them standing up.
Those who have gone home to the Lord this past year are:
Kevin Archer
Edward Bowen
Virginia Brody
Barbara Browning
Nancy Carson
Bertie Cast
Marcienne Doerrmann
Hal Freeburn
Edward Gibson
Charles Haefele
Gary Hart
Janis Martin Hughes
Charlie Iole
Ginny Ioler
Jay Johnston
Jerry Jones
Robert Jones
Sally Jordan
Robert Kern
Leigh Klinger
Annamae Kusmanick
Charles B. Manchester
Edith McCarson
Eleanor Merget
Ed Midget
Jimmy Miller, Sr.
Jimmy Miller Jr.
Joyce Miller
Dawn Moore
Joe Piechowski;
Ethel Ridinger
Helen Rulli
Peter Soriano
Peter Temean
Robert Wayne Todd
Harvey Van Sciver
Roger Stockman
Emma Young
Marie & Tom Zander
Members, friends, and family members of our St. Paul’s family. We are thankful for the legacy that they left behind for us.
About All Saints Day
All Saints Day, also known as All Hallows Day, the Feast of All Saints, the Feast of All Hallows, the Solemnity of All Saints, and Hallowmas, is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints of the church, whether they are known or unknown. It is traditionally celebrated on November 1, but most Methodist Churches celebrate it on the Sunday immediately following.