Thanks to everyone at St. Paul’s for making our Spring Chicken BBQ a sellout! You all stepped up when needed and we sold all the tickets. Total profit for the church hasn’t been calculated yet, but it’s usually around $2,000, a great help to our church finances. Dinners were delicious, as usual. Nothing beats Rode’s chicken!
Thanks so much to everyone that helped make the dinner a success! Special thanks to overall chair Sharon Rutter, who organized the whole thing and hit up lots of local businesses for donations to keep our expenses down. She made sure we had all the food items needed and took care of ordering and getting Gary to pick up the chicken from Rode’s. Thanks also to communications chair Denise Hosier, who not only did the publicity but also set up the online ticketing, which worked very well.
Most of all, thanks to all of you for your great support! Can’t wait until fall for our next Chicken BBQ!