We are very pleased to announce a partnership with the Gloucester Co. Flute Ensemble. We will host two concerts with them this year: Sunday, November 13 at 4 p.m. and Sunday, December 18 at 4 p.m. The GCFE is a community group of adult flute players who perform quality music for events in the South…
Sunday School families and kids joined us in Hickman Hall on Friday, October 28, at 6:30 p.m. for our Pumpkin Party. There were lots of cool characters, games, prizes, and delicious food. Special thanks to Mary Ann Jones, who almost singlehandedly got ready for the party. She is a blessing to our kids and our…
We will hold our annual Sunday School Bazaar & Yard Sale on Saturday, November 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., rain or shine. Items for sale include holiday decorations, handmade crafts, jewelry, boutique, baked goods, deli items, and yard sale/white elephants. Your donations are appreciated. Please bring them to Hickman Hall by Sunday, October…
We had a great day in worship on September 18 with Rev. Dave Bailey from Ranch Hope as our guest speaker. His message entitled, “Meeting All Our Needs,” was based on the passage of Philippians 4:11. We always enjoy having Dave with us in worship. It has been about 3 years since he was last…
Dear ladies of the church and friends, It was great to see everyone on September 14 at our opening session of our Fall Bible Study! If you were not able to join us, we missed you. We had a great discussion about Jochebed and Miriam. As Shannon Bream writes, “Jochebed was a woman of faith.”…
Calling all Sunday School students! We are back in session! We started on September 11 during the worship service by welcoming the kids with a Children’s Message by Dave Fish. The kids sang and then our first Sunday School class for the fall was at 10:45 a.m. We have classes for kids age 3 through…
Welcome back to our choir! Many thanks to Glenda and the choir members who meet every week to practice. We’d like to invite anyone who likes to sing, no experience required, to join our choir at St. Paul’s. Rehearsal is every Thursday at 7 p.m. Come any Thursday. We always look forward to an exciting,…
St. Paul’s was actually a leader in streaming worship services amongst churches in New Jersey before COVID arrived. When other churches panicked wondering what to do when the pandemic started, we were already providing people in worship around the world with online access to our joy-filled Sunday morning worship services. We continue to stream Sunday…
“And don’t for a minute let this Book of God’s Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed.” Joshua 1:8 Gail Hendricks has never set foot in New Jersey; she lives on the…
A group of our members enjoyed another awesome St Paul’s night at The Phillies’!! We started with a tailgate and ended with OUR Phillies shutting out the Pittsburgh Pirates!! Note, they also wore our ‘Pentecost Caps.’ This was a perfect game — late summer and the Phillies team is doing great! The main thing was…