“Pay careful attention to yourselves and all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you to care for the church of God.” ACTS 20:28 Look at this gathering of people … no, this is not about our CHRISTMAS in JULY SERVICE on July 23rd. These folks and more are the leaders and potential leaders…

Sandi DiLeo has family history with our Church! Sandi’s grandmother Grace Armbruster and all her siblings were in cradle roll at St Paul’s and raised in this church. Great Uncle Bill lived just two doors down from the church. He was very involved in the Thorofare Fire Company and helped with many an oyster supper….

Sierra Leone has a great need for primary medical care. It is one of the poorest countries in the world and its people continue to suffer from numerous, preventable health issues. Poor infrastructure combined with a lack of resources and trained medical professionals severely limits access to healthcare. The 2014 Ebola epidemic further weakened the…

What a great worship service on June 4 celebrating our children and Sunday School! We also celebrated Holy Communion. Declan Hartnett was our acolyte and liturgist, and Zack Beidle led us in our call to worship and offertory prayer. We had Debbie Richman on the piano and Denise Hosier on the keyboard as our music…

All too frequently as they come out of the Lenten season church folks decide it is time to take a break from church. They decide to disconnect from God and Christ for awhile; stop giving offering money, too. And frankly, they choose to focus in on self, because after all, many folks didn’t get to…

It’s MAY and we have so much happening at St. Paul’s!! Dear Friends, Welcome to the Merry Month of May because at St. Paul’s there’s so much going on to celebrate our faith and our church family!! We kick off May by hosting the West Deptford Township celebration of the National Day of Prayer with…

Can You Ask Someone You Know to Help? These are images of the front and back of last year’s RED BIRD T-SHIRTS. You may have seen Jim and Cherie or Pastor Dave or Mary Ann wearing them around town. These T-shirts are one of our many opportunities to showcase the mission work that we carry…

by Brenda Toppin… Sitting in the same pew as I always do, one Spring Sunday in 2015 I happened to look down by my feet. One of the black electrical cords was looking back at me! I picked up my feet, feeling a little freaked out, hoping it would leave. I stood up and said,…

Our Women’s Bible Study, led by Patty Fish, completed the book “It’s Okay Not to Be Okay” by Sheila Walsh and celebrated with lunch at Ciconte’s in April. The ladies were all thrilled with the study, and with our leader. They presented Patty with a gift card to thank her for a year of great…

We were super happy to bring back another event that we hadn’t been able to do since covid. We started Holy Week off right with a Pancake Breakfast after church on Palm Sunday, April 2. About 100 people attended, including lots of kids. The Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt took place after the breakfast. Tickets…

On March 22, 2023, St. Paul’s hosted our session of the Ministerium’s Lenten Study of the Parables, and our topic was the Good Samaritan. As the good Christians, including several pastors, came to the church, there was a homeless man out on the front lawn, begging. How many passed him by? One attendee invited the…

“To this you were called, you should follow in Jesus’ steps.” 1 Peter 2:21 If you look towards the stained-glass image of Jesus “Knocking at the Door,” you will see our two new banners that refer to our “walking with Jesus.” It is my  theme for 2023 and one that I   will continue to put in…

Have you noticed that like-new gleam from the baptismal font? On a cold January day, the elementary Sunday School children were studying about Jesus’ baptism, so we ventured into the sanctuary to view our baptismal font to compare the differences and similarities about the time when Jesus was baptized. They immediately noticed how dirty, discolored,…

Our church quite frequently hears me declare the Scripture lesson that Paul wrote in two of his letters, “REJOICE in the LORD! Again, I say rejoice!” When I talk with our church members about St. Paul’s, all I ever hear are rave reviews! Our pews are fuller now than they were six months ago! People…

Hello dear friends, We resumed our Women’s Bible Study on Wed., Feb. 15, 10:00-11:30 am. Our meetings will all be held in the Sanctuary this session. All women are invited to join us for any or all sessions. We are reading and studying Sheila Walsh’s book “It’s Okay Not to Be Okay.” The book has…

Thanks so much to everyone that ordered Super Bowl Stromboli! To make your Super Bowl party a big hit, we partnered with Liscio’s to sell their stromboli, which were picked up on SUNDAY, FEB 12 after church. We all know that delicious stromboli start with the bread, and Liscio’s is the best in the area….

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