Last year, I know many people were disappointed that on Pentecost Sunday they didn’t have a beautiful Pentecost cap like I wore in worship. Bright red with a pure white P for Pentecost centered for all to see. We have heard the disappointment and our CRT team went to work. This year we sold bright…
May will be a remarkably busy month for the Community Relations Team. Sunday, May 2nd was SOUP SUNDAY. This month the featured soup was vegetable. We made over $200 for our treasury. Sunday, May 23rd is PENTECOST, the birthday of the Christian Church. We are selling red PENTECOST HATS, one size fits all (adjustable) for…
“For the Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth come knowledge and understanding!” Proverbs 2:6 On that day when the needle went into my arm and I had dose number one of the Pfizer vaccine running through my veins I just wanted to jump for joy! I couldn’t stop smiling behind my mask; I was thrilled…
I never thought I’d have such an attachment to one specific time from amongst the 1440 minutes of the day but since March 17th of last year 930 has become special to me. It is the time of the day when PD@930 shows up live on our FACEBOOK page and of course on Sunday mornings…
As all of you know, the last 14 months have been challenging and difficult for all of us. St. Paul’s has been blessed to have a great team of leaders carefully guiding us through this global pandemic. Since more and more of us are now vaccinated and the New Jersey case numbers are down, the…
For Order of Worship, see Pastor Dave’s weekly email. We’ve been live-streaming our worship service on Facebook for a while. Worship services are embedded into our website, so even if you’re not on Facebook, you can watch. Click here for worship service videos. Here’s everything you need to know: Worship in person at St. Paul’s…
SIXTEEN cars with palm waving folks shouting out love drove through West Deptford in our PARADE OF PALMS. We didn’t let the weather put a damper on this unique parade that kept us socially distance from one another. There was so much joy amongst the drivers and passengers who represented all the age groups of…
An UN-GALA is not the kind of party you might be used to, but St. Paul’s UN-GALA was an event where friends gathered to party online. We shared good times, ate great food, and raised some money for our work for God! We are thankful to ISH, the owner of the Piston Diner, whose generosity,…
We’re Back! St. Paul’s CRT (Community Relations Team) has been busy planning fun events that will also raise funds for St. Paul’s missions. The pandemic put a damper on many of our regular events, but we will press on until we can be together again. Our Super Bowl Stromboli Sale was a huge success. A…
Click here to view the Lenten devotions by our Bishops. The Council of Bishops invites the people of The United Methodist Church to a season of introspection and self-examination. Together this Lent, we will confess and fast from the sin of racism, discrimination, oppression and exclusion and feast on the beauty and blessing of the diversity of God’s…